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کلمات کلیدی: emotional

موارد یافت شده: 76

1 - The correlation between early maladaptive schemas and body image concern: The mediating role of self-compassion and emotion regulation in women (چکیده)
2 - The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation on the Relation between ADHD Symptoms, Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression among College Students (چکیده)
3 - Emotional Schema Therapy for Bipolar Disorder: Improving Emotional Schemas, Quality of Life, Cognitive Emotion Regulation, and Symptom Management (چکیده)
4 - Applying The Unified Protocol For Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders (UP) on Emotional Regulation, Cognitive Flexibility, Mindful Emotional Awareness and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer: A Pilot Study (چکیده)
5 - Relationship between COVID 19 prevention and panic and distress tolerance, spiritual intelligence and happiness in undergraduate, postgraduate accounting students (چکیده)
6 - Household food waste prevention behavior: the role of religious orientations, emotional intelligence, and spiritual well-being (چکیده)
7 - Intelligence, emotional intelligence, and emo-sensory intelligence: Which one is a better predictor of university students’ academic success? (چکیده)
8 - Developing New Software to Analyze the EmoSensory Load of Language (چکیده)
9 - The Effectiveness of Spouses\\\' Communication Skills Training on Reducing Emotional Harassment and Adjusting Marital Expectations: Married Iranian Women (چکیده)
10 - Predictive hierarchical harmonic emotional neuro-cognitive control of nonlinear systems (چکیده)
11 - What's in a Color? A neuropsycholinguistic study on the effect of colors on EEG brainwaves, immediate emotional responses, and English language vocabulary retention among Iranian young adults (چکیده)
12 - Command-filtered backstepping robust adaptive emotional control of strict-feedback nonlinear systems with mismatched uncertainties (چکیده)
13 - Productivity Story of the Iranian Librarians: Assessing the Impact of Knowledge Management and Emotional Intelligence (چکیده)
14 - Cooperative adaptive emotional neuro-control for a class of higher-ordered heterogeneous uncertain nonlinear multi-agent systems (چکیده)
15 - Brain emotional learning impedance control of uncertain nonlinear systems with time delay: Experiments on a hybrid elastic joint robot in telesurgery (چکیده)
16 - Premenstrual Syndrome: The Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Trait Meta-Mood (چکیده)
17 - Mothers’ Breastfeeding Experiences of Emotional Support Needs: A Qualitative Study in Iran (چکیده)
18 - Effectiveness of a Unified Protocol on Emotion Regulation and Experiential Avoidance in Women with Comorbid Major Depressive and Generalized Anxiety Symptoms (چکیده)
19 - Development, Validation and Application of an Inventory on Emo-Sensory Intelligence (چکیده)
20 - Children's Road-Crossing Behavior: Emotional Decision Making and Emotion-Based Temperamental Fear and Anger (چکیده)
21 - Visual Attention and Lexical Involvement in L1 and L2 Word Processing: Emotional Stroop Effect (چکیده)
22 - Political Skill Improves the Effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence: Bayesian Network Analysis in the Construction Industry (چکیده)
23 - The Effect of Group Emotional Schema Therapy on Cognitive Emotion Strategies in Women with Migraine Headaches: a Pilot Study (چکیده)
24 - Emotional neural networks with universal approximation property for stable direct adaptive nonlinear control systems (چکیده)
26 - Augmenting the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders with transcranial direct current stimulation in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder and comorbid depression: A randomized controlled trial (چکیده)
27 - The role of time perspectives in Language Teachers’ Burnout (چکیده)
28 - The effects of psychological factors on the performance of independent auditors in Iran (چکیده)
29 - Neuroticism and Frontal EEG Asymmetry Correlated With Dynamic Facial Emotional Processing in Adolescents (چکیده)
30 - Iranian Literary Translators’ Emotional Intelligence: Description of Facets (چکیده)
31 - Emotional and Cognitive Experiences of Pregnant Women Following Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Anomalies: A Qualitative Study in Iran (چکیده)
32 - The Role of Personal Best Goals in EFL Learners’ Behavioural, Cognitive, and Emotional Engagement (چکیده)
33 - The Effectiveness of Group Emotional Schema Therapy on Emotional Regulation and Social Anxiety Symptoms (چکیده)
34 - Predictors of L2 achievement: Testing a model based on EFL learners' emotional, social, and cultural capitals (چکیده)
35 - Stable robust adaptive radial basis emotional neurocontrol for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems (چکیده)
36 - Social and Emotional Intelligences: Empirical and Theoretical Relationship (چکیده)
37 - The relationship between emotional intelligence, thinking style, and the quality of investors’ decisions using the log-linear method (چکیده)
38 - International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) (چکیده)
39 - Aggression, emotional self-regulation, attentional bias, and cognitive inhibition predict risky driving behavior (چکیده)
41 - Emotional Detachment in Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf: An Adlerian psychoanalysis (چکیده)
42 - The Effectiveness of Problem - Solving Skills Training In The Light of Meichenbaum’s Cognitive - Behavioral Method:The Case of Male Students’ Adjustment to Boarding and Ordinary Schools (چکیده)
43 - Emotions and socially just teaching: a qualitative study (چکیده)
44 - The effectiveness of couple therapy based on Gottman’s method of decreasing emotional divorce among conflicted couples in Mashhad city (چکیده)
45 - Emotional controller (BELBIC) based DTC for encoderless Synchronous Reluctance Motor drives (چکیده)
46 - Implementation of emotional controller (BELBIC) for synchronous reluctance motor drive (چکیده)
47 - Relationship of Attachment Styles and Emotional Intelligence With Marital Satisfaction (چکیده)
48 - Efficacy of the attention control trining program on reducing attentional bias in obese and overweight dieters (چکیده)
49 - Compartmentalizing Culture Teaching Strategies Under an Emotioncy-Based Model (چکیده)
50 - Contextualization-Emotionalization Interface: A Case of Teacher Effectiveness (چکیده)
51 - Evaluating and Examing the Relationship between Mental Skill, Emotional Intelligence and Competition Anxiety Among Young and Adult in Alpine Skiers’ Super League (چکیده)
52 - A winner-take-all approach to emotional neural networks with universal approximation property (چکیده)
53 - Health Promotion and Emotional Intelligence (چکیده)
54 - How Likely Is It for a Nurse Student to Become a Competent Nurse? A Protocol for Scale Development and Validation Using a Mixed Methods Study (چکیده)
55 - Is nurses' professional competence related to their personality and emotional intelligence? A cross-sectional study (چکیده)
56 - Cognitive emotional consequence of male infertility on their female partners: a qualitative content analysis (چکیده)
57 - Emotioncy: A Post-Linguistic Approach toward Vocabulary Learning and Retention (چکیده)
58 - Executive Function in School: The Effectiveness of Executive Functions Strategies Training and Combining It with Neuro-Feedback on Promoting Academic Performance of Students (چکیده)
59 - problem solving training and its Effect on reducing conflicts and improving emotional literacy of teenage girls with addicted parents (چکیده)
60 - The effect of emotional intelligence and cognitive performance on creativity of university students (چکیده)
61 - Emotional education through islamic teachings (چکیده)
62 - Practical emotional neural networks (چکیده)
63 - The examination of Effectiveness of Emotionally focused couples therapy on life satisfaction and Improvement of depression due to heart diseas (چکیده)
64 - evaluation of family\'s psychological functions of addict and normal people (چکیده)
65 - Comparison of job burnout among male and female teachers of physical education in Mashhad Region 6 (چکیده)
66 - Emotion-Based Language Instruction (EBLI) as a new perspective in bilingual education (چکیده)
67 - A Study on Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Learning (چکیده)
68 - Relationship BetweenEmotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Strategies (چکیده)
69 - Life-wise Language Learning Textbooks: Construction and Validation of an Emotional Abilities Scale through Rasch Modeling (چکیده)
70 - Introducing and Exemplifying English for Life Purposes (ELP) as a New Concept in English Language Teaching (چکیده)
71 - Emotional Intelligence and Its Relationship with English Teaching Effectiveness (چکیده)
72 - A Combi-Stroop Test for Measuring Food-Related Attentional Bias (چکیده)
73 - Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy: A case of Iranian EFL University Students (چکیده)
74 - Effect of emotional intelligence reinforcement program on controlling of teenagers bullying behavior (چکیده)
75 - Higher Order Spectra Analysis of EEG Signals in Emotional Stress States (چکیده)
76 - Evaluation the Anxiolytic Effects of Zinc Supplimented Diet in the Elevated Plus-maze Test (چکیده)